Mist Encounter 供霧所
Location|Taipei Fine Art Museum, TAIWAN
Site Area|1,080 ㎡
Pavilion Area|427 ㎡
Construction Price|NTD 3,500,000
Design Time|2016 / 04 / 16 - 2017 / 03 / 20
Construction Time|2017 / 04 / 05 - 2017 / 05 / 18
Design Team|Ling-Li Tseng, Wei- Hsiang Chao, Min-Shan Tsai, Chen-Chi Lo, Kai-Jui Tsao
Kuan-Wei Chen Architects / Kuan-Wei Chen , Yu-Hsuan Lin
Mist Encounter is a summer pavilion stands in the large outdoor plaza in front of the Taipei Fine ArtMuseum. The summer sun and breeze will drift in and animate the scaffold and mesh structure. An indistinct mist will arise from the outer square and draw visitors to come closer. As visitors walk from the outer to inner square, they will be gradually enveloped by the mist, and things will appear and disappear as the mist alternately gets heavier and lighter. The effect will be similar to an experience of passing through a heavy fog in a magical forest.
Mist Encounter, initiating a spatial and art event about microclimate. It creates body awareness with mist and creates awareness of air conditioning renovations in the Museum. The constantly changing mist gives the unseen air flow & conditioning a comprehensible form, also let human bodies to perceive the ambient changes. Mist exhibits itself between the layers of meshes and structures- where one can observe the flow of mist, with the changes of blurred or cleared boundary, and penetrative or concealed view.
結構諮詢|富田構造設計事務所 富田匡俊
鷹架協力|實固股份有限公司 何東杰
金屬骨架協力|進亞金屬股份有限公司 陳世雄、陳世榮 ;義興人文科技有限公司 李其昌
水霧協力|原彩實業有限公司 買忠億
燈光協力|雷魄光生有限公司 陳志榮
布料協力|員新實業有限公司 張宏志;安室窗簾
打版縫製協力|華維家具設計有限公司 李鴻維
木作協力|元大工作坊 呂芳元
攝影紀錄|李易暹 Yi-Hsien Lee Photography、趙宇晨 Yuchen Zao Photography、黃韋智
特別感謝|東木空間設計 陳恥德、南良實業 蔡惠蘭、光森照明 林俊宏、中右營造 邱敏錦、睿紘實業 賴承軒、陳平翔、葉美蘭、葉美子、朱亭璇、 Dr. Christopher Leung、傑鴻工程有限公司 黃明德、祁紘有限公司、柏克翰陽極股份有限公司、愛碁爾科技股份有限公司、陳昱仲